It was another lovely day to be out on the water. Traveling through the Plumper Islands this morning Bald Eagles and their nests were viewed as well as three Stellar Sea Lions in the water; Harbour Seals were also seen hauled out and in the water. It was at Cracroft Point that an orca blow was sighted, and as we drew near we identified the orca as being A12. Seeing A12 foraging alone today one cannot help but remember days and years past when all of the family was intact including A12’s oldest son, A31. We cannot be absolutely sure that A33 has died, for now he is reported as missing. The A12 Matriline we sighted yesterday: A12 along with her daughter A34 and her off-spring but A33 (A12’s 38 year old son) was not sighted. Today we observed A12 foraging steadily back and forth at Cracroft Point and the rest of her family, the A34’s were not seen. Leaving the area we made our way through Blackfish Sound where off Bold Head we encountered a Humpback Whale feeding. It was a day of immense interest and intrigue for all onboard.