Whales, Wind and Waves

A sunny and splashy day welcomed guests during our Seasmoke Whale Watching Tour.

Dall’s porpoises were the first marine mammals which caught our attention today. Their black and white torpedo like bodies picked up speed and angled directly towards us, just to bow ride for a few special moments, then suddenly disappeared.  We continued our journey, traveling along Hanson Island towards the east. We sighted a pod of Resident Orca which were making their way towards Blackfish Sound. As they swam, they surfaced dramatically, clearing their blow hole from the large waves which washed over their backs. They to have to deal with the elements on a windy and wild day. 

We cruised in the same direction as the Orca until a Humpback calf made an appearance. We watched the calf breach and interact with a group of Pacific White-sided dolphins. Strong trumpeting  blows came from this young but huge calf as the dolphins surrounded it for long periods of time. A Humpback female, identified as Ripple, the calves mum, settled the situation between the calf and the Pacific White-sided dolphin. Ripple approached both the calf and dolphin and claimed her youngster back. We soon saw them swimming side by side, until they descended in to a deep dive, the flukes rising up like a wave goodbye.

More splashing caught our attention but this time close to land. Juvenile Stellar Sea lions socialized with each other; disturbing the water in an intense rustle . It took them a while to realize that we were witnessing their behavior, as we approached quietly towards the scene.

We made our way home through Pearse islands to say hello to our Harbour seals. Juvenile seals were resting on the rocks, and we saw an adult Bald eagle flying to higher trees. Bull kelp heaved around in the strong current and wind, testing its root system which acts as an ancor. We were splashed by the waves just as the marine mammals were being splashed by the vigorous ocean. water. We arrived home with happy hearts, mesmerized once again by the powerful acts of nature.